Technological innovation

Technological innovation is the support of a new value, of a new benefit.

Innovation transforms the way of doing business and thus stimulates the growth of a company.


  • Smart Machine

    What is an intelligent machine

    -Open-source and free resources (FreeCAD software, Cura, C ++ software, Android studio, Google script / sheet, Arduino)


    On the Internet, you can always find a solution without having a specialist in each area.

    Generally inexpensive and multi-source components.

    independence from the supplier.

    Use of 3D printed parts.

    -Development methodology: iterative and incremental development


    Limitation of development errors

    Avoid buying an expensive inefficient machine

    High reactivity

  • Custom´s IOT
  • Test...
  • Laser technology

    Laser cutting is a non-contact process that uses a laser to cut materials, resulting in high quality dimensional cuts. The process works by directing the laser beam through a nozzle towards the room. A combination of heat and pressure creates the cutting action.

  • Measurements systems
  • Smart tooling
  • Régulateur de pH pour...